ICE Prime is now available !
ICE Prime, the new Desktop Reference player just announced at IBC is now officially released.

ICE Prime allows the QC and real-time playback of broadcast, digital cinema and OTT industry standards on regular desktop systems. With the support of file-based QC reports and a series of image and audio scopes, ICE Prime is the perfect reference player to be installed on any system for a quick review or a light QC.

ICE Prime is ideal for reviewing content at the production stage: camera RAW files are supported, including magasines, but also ALE, EDL and FCP XML can be imported and autoconformed.
ACES end-to-end workflow is available as well, with the support of AMF (ACES Media File).
Finalised masters like DCP SMPTE or RDD 52 or any IMF application can be played back with a simple drag & drop.
HDR support, including conversion previews is part of the toolset, and the QC of Dolby Vision content is possible: ICE Prime sends the Dolby Vision metadata via HDMI to the TV (aka tunneling).
TORNADO to integrate ICE Prime
The TORNADO media processing engine has gained numerous features the past months, among them a new user interface to dynamically deploy workers in a node-based architecture and allow the monitoring of transcoding and validation operations.
However, TORNADO is not only a stand-alone solution for integration into orchestrated workflows and requesting REST API skills. When used together with other Marquise Technologies products, TORNADO becomes the pivot that allows the offload of any validation, reporting or transcoding jobs created by the MIST Mastering system.
When paired with ICE Prime, TORNADO allows the direct playback of the source content or the rendered result for it’s submitted jobs.

An eye back on IBC
After two years of interruption IBC was back on the agenda, and it was a real pleasure to meet and discuss with people in person at last!
Among the variety of new features we presented, the most popular were Light QC operations using our new desktop reference player ICE Prime, and how to work with delocalised media.
For those of you who could not attend and would like to have more information, please contact us for a private demo.

Panel IABM on EBU QC

Andy Quested, chair of the group, has explained what it is and why it is needed, even more today. We were able to discuss the importance of the interoperability and the use of a common language, not only between the QC tools, but also for a better understanding for the users.

Using the EBU.IO/QC tool it is possible to bring together QC Items into a QC Template with user settings and export the Template as an XML file that can be loaded into any compliant AQC device.
Learn more on the EBU QC group:
Workshop @ IBC 2022 by the IMF UG
We have also participated in the workshop hosted by the HPA IMF User Group at IBC 2022 where 34 stakeholders from the broadcasting community, representing both users and suppliers, explored using the Interoperable Master Format (IMF) as the source content format in broadcast workflows.
A report summarizing the discussions is available for download on the IMF UG website.

Did you know ?
The Deliver Shortcut
When you need to quickly deliver a new format version from a flat file, as it is, without changing the image resolution or the frame rate, you do not need to open it manually on the timeline: From the media bin in the Command Panel, right click on a media and select Deliver. MIST opens the Master Delivery panel, displaying only the formats authorized with the properties of the source media.