Mastering & Distribution
We provide solutions with the largest variety of tools to create and distribute with confidence high value professional content, in SDR, HDR, HFR up to 8K

- DCP Interop and DCP SMPTE
- Dolby Cinema & Éclair Color
- IMF App 4 (Cinema Mezzanine)
- IMF App 5 (ACES)

- AS-02, AS-10, AS-11
- RDD 59-1 and 59-2 IMF Application DPP

- IMF App 2e (Studio Profile)
- MKV (YouTube)
- MXF op1a and MXF op1b
- Dolby Vision & Dolby Atmos

- NLE timeline, supporting mixed formats and resolutions as well as unlimited soundfields and audio configurations
- Timed Text editing and management
- Advanced conforming operations from EDL, FCP(X) XML, AAF and OMF formats with support for transitions
- 3-points editing capabilities for fast inserts
- Advanced color management, including ACES and HDR
- Dual 4K output capabilities for simultaneous HDR and SDR streams
- Dual Viewport for versions comparisons
- Remote control of the Reference Monitor (available for Canon, TVLogic and Eizo 4K HDR monitors)
- Quality Control & Validation
- Metadata inspector
- Unified masters creation, whatever the type of delivery
- Integrated delivery specifications, including folders organisation, naming conventions and manifest for major studios, OTT and broadcasters
- Smart repackaging of existing assets, rewrapping and repair
- Support for NexGuard Forensic Watermarking
Mastering features are available with