Basic Integration Guide
1.2. Starting TORNADO manually 2
2. Understanding TORNADO Jobs 3
2.1.1. Metadata Extraction Job Structure 4
2.1.2. Masterinfo Job Structure 4
2.1.3. Validation Job Structure 5
2.1.4. Transcoding Job Structure 5
3. Use Case: DCP to WebM proxy using TORNADO 7
3.1. DCP to WebM proxy workflow overview 7
3.2. Sending and monitoring a JOB 9
3.2.1. Sending and monitoring a Metadata Extraction Job 10
3.2.2. Sending and monitoring a Masterinfo Job 11
3.2.3. Sending and monitoring a Validation Report Job 13
3.2.4. Sending and monitoring a Transcoding Job 15
The first step in any workflow is to decide and set up the proper topology for your TORNADO installation. In order to do so you must first install TORNADO on one or more dedicated machines.
TORNADO is distributed with it’s own dedicated installer. Follow the steps in order to install it on your system.
Note that if you choose the option Install TORNADO as a system service, at the Select Additional Tasks stage, then TORNADO will be deployed in a manager/worker configuration with one webserver manager node piloting 4 worker nodes (more details on manager/worker configurations at...). The processes will be started as system services and can be managed via the Windows Services app.
TORNADO can be piloted via the STORM API (see STORM API chapter in the TORNADO Integration Guide manual for more details). This chapter will guide you through starting up a webserver manager node with 2 worker nodes. If you already installed TORNADO as a system service then you can skip these steps.
Once started, a webserver node uses a REST API in order to send commands to TORNADO.
stormserver websrv -workers 2
The command will start a webserver on port 8080. If the command is successful then it will print the following message:
STORM v2021.11.23.0
(C) 2009-2021 Marquise Technologies
Release Date Nov 23 2021
Architecture 64 bits
STORM Log File
Version: 2021.11.23.0 (released on Nov 23 2021)
Started: 2021-11-23 @ 18:15:23
starting up server...
listening on port 8080
waiting for requests...
starting workers...
2 workers started!
In the case of a manager/worker configuration all requests will be sent to the manager node. This node will be used to pilot the worker nodes by distributing jobs to them.
A task performed by TORNADO is called a job. You can think of jobs as simple objects that contain the details or properties of the task you want performed by TORNADO.
In the case of the REST API, a job is represented by a JSON Object sent to the /jobs API endpoint via a POST HTTP request.
The object prototype for a metadata (mediainfo context ID) extraction job has the following structure:
"context" : "mediainfo",
"input" : "<path_to_DCP_package_folder>/<package_file>",
"output" : "<path_to_output_xml_metadata_file>",
"format" : "xml"
In our specific DCP to WebM proxy workflow, this object template will be used to create metadata extraction jobs for a file that is part of the DCP package. It uses the mediainfo context ID and provides the path to the input file(for which the metadata must be extracted), the output path (where the metadata should be saved) and lastly the format of the metadata file.
The object prototype for a masterinfo (masterinfo context ID) extraction job has the following structure:
"context" : "masterinfo",
"input" : "<path_to_DCP_package_folder>",
"output" : "<path_to_output_xml_metadata_file>",
"format" : "xml"
In our specific DCP to WebM proxy workflow, this object template will be used to create masterinfo jobs for a DCP package. It uses the masterinfo context ID and provides the path to the input DCP folder (for which the masterinfo report must be extracted), the output path (where the report should be saved) and lastly the format of the report file.
NOTE: While the mediainfo job is used to extract metadata for a given DCP package file the purpose of the masterinfo job is to generate a report of the DCP package. A DCP package consists of a collection of assets that can be referenced and grouped into various compositions. While each asset can have specific metadata accessible via the mediainfo context the compositions are specific to the package and their properties are accessible via the mastering report.
The object prototype for a DCP validation report (validate context ID) job has the following structure:
"context" : "validate",
"input" : "<path_to_DCP_package_folder>",
"output" : "<path_to_output_report_file>",
"master" : "DCP",
"format" : "xml" | "pdf"
In our specific DCP to WebM proxy workflow, this object template will be used to create validation reports jobs. It uses the validate context ID and provides the path to the input file(for which the validation report must be generated), the output path (where the report file should be saved), the format of the master and lastly the format of the report file (XML or PDF).
The object prototype for a DCP to WebM proxy transcoding (xcode context ID) job has the following structure:
"context" : "xcode",
"input" : "<path_to_DCP_package_folder>",
"output" : "<path_to_proy_output_file>",
"preset" : "<path_to_preset_xml_file>",
"cms" : {
"system" : "<system_tag>",
"version" : "<version_tag>",
"workflow" : "<workflow_tag>",
"primaries" : "<primaries_tag>",
"eotf" : "<eotf_tag>",
"cat" : "bradford"
In our specific DCP to WebM proxy workflow, this object template will be used to create transcoding jobs. It uses the xcode context ID and provides the path to the input file(for which the WebM proxy must be generated), the output path (where the proxy file should be saved), and lastly the XML preset file containing the transcoding parameters for the output proxy file.
This chapter will guide you through extracting metadata, validating then transcoding a DCP package to a WebM proxy using TORNADO’s REST API and transcoding presets.
Figure 1 shows an overview of a DCP to Proxy workflow using TORNADO’s REST API.
Figure 1
An external application first sends a metadata extraction (mediainfo context ID) and a validation report (validate context ID) job to the TORNADO manager node.
The manager node distributes these jobs for processing to it’s registered workers. When the workers finish their metadata extraction and validation jobs, the results, in this case files, are saved on the disk.
The external application parses, then saves, the required metadata from the metadata XML file to an external DB.
Same thing can be done for the validation report. In this case the external application or a human operator can read the validation result and make a decision based on it status. If the validation PASSED then the DCP to Proxy transcoding job can be launched. If NOT a different decision can be made.
If the validation stage is not required then the validation JOB can be omitted or the result can be ignored.
Figure 2 shows the process of sending a JOB to TORNADO’s manager node, recuperating the returned UUID and then polling it’s status using that UUID.
Figure 2
Steps 5 and 7 must be repeated in order to get the updated JOB object.
The following complete example demonstrates how to create and send a Metadata Extraction JOB (mediainfo context ID) for the video asset from a DCP package to TORNADO using the REST API.
This example uses CURL to send the HTTP requests to TORNADO and assumes that you have already followed the installation and deployment steps. In this and all following examples TORNADO runs at http://localhost:8080.
"context" : "mediainfo",
"input" : "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV/264671-2914640_SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_01.mxf",
"output" : "E:/FILE_IO_TST/metadata/metadata_SWLastJedi.xml",
"format" : "xml"
$ curl -X POST -T "E:/FILE_IO_TST/CURL/metadata/metadata_extraction.json" "http://localhost:8080/jobs"
"uuid": "ec5e72b1-150d-4822-a43f-5c27b2668142",
"priority": 0,
"status": "queued",
"requesttimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:48:19+00:00",
"input": "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV/264671-2914640_SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_01.mxf",
"output": "E:/FILE_IO_TST/metadata/metadata_SWLastJedi.xml",
"format": "xml",
"context": "mediainfo"
$ curl -X GET -T "http://localhost:8080/jobs/ec5e72b1-150d-4822-a43f-5c27b2668142"
"job": {
"uuid": "ec5e72b1-150d-4822-a43f-5c27b2668142",
"priority": 0,
"status": "finished",
"progress": 100,
"step": 1,
"stepcount": 1,
"requesttimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:42:40+00:00",
"begintimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:42:40+00:00",
"endtimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:42:40+00:00",
"input": "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV/264671-2914640_SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_01.mxf",
"output": "E:/FILE_IO_TST/metadata/metadata_SWLastJedi.xml",
"format": "xml",
"context": "mediainfo"
"status": "ok"
The following complete example demonstrates how to create and send a Masterinfo JOB (masterinfo context ID) for the DCP package to TORNADO using the REST API.
This example uses CURL to send the HTTP requests to TORNADO and assumes that you have already followed the installation and deployment steps. In this and all following examples TORNADO runs at http://localhost:8080.
"context" : "mediainfo",
"master" : "DCP",
"input" : "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV",
"output" : "E:/FILE_IO_TST/metadata/masterinfo_SWLastJedi.xml",
"format" : "xml"
$ curl -X POST -T "E:/FILE_IO_TST/CURL/metadata/masterinfo_report.json" "http://localhost:8080/jobs"
"uuid": "ec5e72b1-150d-4822-a43f-5c27b2668142",
"priority": 0,
"status": "queued",
"requesttimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:48:19+00:00",
"input": "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV/264671-2914640_SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_01.mxf",
"output": "E:/FILE_IO_TST/metadata/masterinfo_SWLastJedi.xml",
"master": "DCP",
"format": "xml",
"context": "masterinfo"
$ curl -X GET -T "http://localhost:8080/jobs/ec5e72b1-150d-4822-a43f-5c27b2668142"
"job": {
"uuid": "ec5e72b1-150d-4822-a43f-5c27b2668142",
"priority": 0,
"status": "finished",
"progress": 100,
"step": 1,
"stepcount": 1,
"requesttimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:42:40+00:00",
"begintimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:42:40+00:00",
"endtimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:42:40+00:00",
"input": "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV/264671-2914640_SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_01.mxf",
"output": "E:/FILE_IO_TST/metadata/masterinfo_SWLastJedi.xml",
"master": "DCP",
"format": "xml",
"context": "masterinfo"
"status": "ok"
The following complete example demonstrates how to create and send a Validation Report Job (validate context ID) for a DCP package to TORNADO using the REST API.
This example uses CURL to send the HTTP requests to TORNADO and assumes that you have already followed the installation and deployment steps. In this and all following examples TORNADO runs at http://localhost:8080.
"context" : "validate",
"input" : "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV”,
"output" : "E:/FILE_IO_TST/validation/validation_SWLastJedi.xml",
"master" : "DCP",
"format" : "xml"
$ curl -X POST -T "E:/FILE_IO_TST/CURL/validation/validation_report.json" "http://localhost:8080/jobs"
"uuid": "64e05405-1f7a-481e-9b3d-81cdc6ace7f3",
"priority": 0,
"status": "queued",
"requesttimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:49:31+00:00",
"input": "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV",
"output": "E:/FILE_IO_TST/validation/validation_SWLastJedi.xml",
"format": "xml",
"context": "validate"
$ curl -X GET -T "http://localhost:8080/jobs/64e05405-1f7a-481e-9b3d-81cdc6ace7f3"
"job": {
"uuid": "64e05405-1f7a-481e-9b3d-81cdc6ace7f3",
"priority": 0,
"status": "finished",
"progress": 100,
"step": 54,
"stepcount": 54,
"requesttimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:54:11+00:00",
"begintimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:54:11+00:00",
"endtimestamp": "2021-11-24T11:54:52+00:00",
"input": "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV",
"output": "E:/FILE_IO_TST/validation/validation_SWLastJedi.xml",
"format": "xml",
"context": "validate"
"status": "ok"
The following complete example demonstrates how to create and send a Transcoding Job (xcode context ID) that generates a WebM proxy for a DCP package to TORNADO using the REST API.
This example uses CURL to send the HTTP requests to TORNADO and assumes that you have already followed the installation and deployment steps. In this and all following examples TORNADO runs at http://localhost:8080.
"context" : "xcode",
"input" : "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV”,
"output" : "E:/FILE_IO_TST/proxy",
"preset" : "E:/FILE_IO_TST/presets/preset_proxy_webm_SWLastJedi.xml",
"cms" : {
"system" : "MTCMS",
"version" : "none",
"workflow" : "custom",
"primaries" : "ITU.BT.709",
"eotf" : "ITU-R.BT.709",
"cat" : "bradford"
$ curl -X POST -T "E:/FILE_IO_TST/CURL/validation/transcoding_webm.json" "http://localhost:8080/jobs"
"uuid": "4668b4db-f60d-4114-acaa-8f57fc81c667",
"priority": 0,
"status": "queued",
"requesttimestamp": "2021-11-24T14:39:43+00:00",
"input": "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV",
"output": "E:/FILE_IO_TST/proxy",
"preset" : "E:/FILE_IO_TST/presets/preset_proxy_webm_SWLastJedi.xml",
"cms" : {
"system" : "MTCMS",
"version" : "none",
"workflow" : "custom",
"primaries" : "ITU.BT.709",
"eotf" : "ITU-R.BT.709",
"cat" : "bradford"
"context": "xcode"
$ curl -X GET -T "http://localhost:8080/jobs/4668b4db-f60d-4114-acaa-8f57fc81c667"
"job": {
"uuid": "4668b4db-f60d-4114-acaa-8f57fc81c667",
"priority": 0,
"status": "finished",
"progress": 100,
"step": 4664,
"stepcount": 4664,
"requesttimestamp": "2021-11-24T14:55:11+00:00",
"begintimestamp": "2021-11-24T14:39:46+00:00",
"endtimestamp": "2021-11-24T14:54:52+00:00",
"input": "D:/TEST_FOOTAGE/DCP/SWLastJedi_TLR-C-3D_S_FR-XX_CH_51_2K_DI_20171018_DGL_IOP-3D_OV",
"output": "E:/FILE_IO_TST/proxy",
"master": "WebM",
"preset" : "E:/FILE_IO_TST/presets/preset_proxy_webm_SWLastJedi.xml",
"cms" : {
"system" : "MTCMS",
"version" : "none",
"workflow" : "custom",
"primaries" : "ITU.BT.709",
"eotf" : "ITU-R.BT.709",
"cat" : "bradford"
"context": "xcode"
"status": "ok"